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The Danish Finance Institute Annual Conference 2020 - now with an option of online participation

Due to the current Covid-19 situation, the DFI Annual Conference 2020 will be hosted as a ‘hybrid conference’.

This means that you now have the option of participating physically on-site at the University of Copenhagen (limited places available), or you can participate virtually by streaming the event live on your computer.

So join us for the DFI Annual Conference, which takes place on Thursday October 8, 2020 from 12.30-18.30 in the format that you prefer.

The program includes four presentations of contemporary research, and a panel debate on sustainable finance. You can find the full program here.

About the virtual attendance
We will livestream the event to those participants who cannot attend physically. The stream is not recorded, so this is a purely ‘live’ event, and previous parts of the program cannot be reviewed. You need to have signed up in order to receive the link to attend the online event.

About the physical attendance
Due to the social distancing requirements, the following will apply for on-site attendance.

  • The presentations and panel debate take place in the actual auditorium at UCPH, seating an audience of around 100 persons (room capacity around 400).
  • Keynote speaker Josef Zechner’s presentation is a livestream from abroad, and the physical audience can ask questions.
  • We follow the current guidelines to ensure a COVID-safe environment on location with distance, signs, and hand sanitizers etc.
  • Unfortunately, the closing reception has been cancelled. Still, coffee breaks will take place in the aula outside the auditorium, as we have over 4 square meters per person, as stipulated in the current guidelines by the authorities.
  • If the authorities’ guidelines change, we will make necessary adjustments to the physical event.
  • We hope for your understanding for this revised concept of the conference, and we are looking forward to welcome you to the Danish Finance Institute Annual Conference 2020 in one of these formats.

Please sign up before October 6, 2020 here: Danish Finance Institute Annual Conference 2020

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