Updated June 28, 2022.
How do investors react when they lose money?
How much value do CEOs create?
How do you pick and benchmark the best active funds to outperform?
How does self-control affect mortgage decisions and what impact does this have on mortgage market regulations?
Why do retail investors expect to outperform the market without adding additional down side risk?
You can find answers to these questions and much more in the podcast series Rig på viden featuring DFI Scholars, Cesario Mateus, Kathrin Schlafmann, Morten Bennedsen, Steffen Meyer and Christoph Merkle.
The podcast series ‘Rig på viden’ comes out with a new episode twice a month presenting new research in finance. The idea is to explain complex topics such as investment, household finance and economics in a simple language. The series takes listeners through a wide range of topics: From reviewing past financial crises, diversity in management, ESG-ratings, discussions of the concept of deflation and the herd mentality in the stock market.
Find links to the podcast episodes here
Picking and Benchmarking Funds with Cesario Mateus
Housing, Mortgages and self-control with Kathrin Schlafmann
Are CEO’s necessary with Morten Bennedsen
Investment behavior when losing money with Steffen Meyer
Beliefs about beta with Christoph Merkle.
All four episodes are sponsored by Danish Finance Institute.
Stay tuned for more podcast episodes with DFI Fellows, covering important financial subjects in investment, finance and economics.
Photos by Rig på Viden