Aalborg University has joined the Danish Finance Institute as the fifth participating university from April 23, 2020

The Danish Finance Institute is proud to announce that Aalborg University has joined the Danish Finance Institute as the fifth participating university per April 23, 2020.

The other four participating universities are Aarhus University, Copenhagen Business School, University of Copenhagen, and University of Southern Denmark.

The Danish Finance Institute has more than 70 Research Fellows affiliated, and all Research fellows have their main employment at one of the participating universities.

“We look forward to the co-operation with the new Finance Research Group at Aalborg University”, says DFI Director Carsten Sørensen, “and I hope that DFI can significantly help and support Aalborg University in their effort to build a strong teaching and research environment in finance”.

About DFI
Danish Finance Institute (DFI) is an initiative that supports the building of a world-class Danish research environment in finance and is founded and sponsored by the members of Finans Danmark.
Read more about DFI here: https://danishfinanceinstitute.dk/about/

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